
DiLASD dissemination plan


In the DiLASD project, dissemination plays a crucial role since much of the project sustainability depends on an effective and targeted dissemination.

For this reason, we have carefully planned the dissemination organization and the dissemination activities.

Dissemination and exploitation will be organized in a synergetic way.

Partners will integrate their competence and will collaborate to create an effective dissemination plan.

This dissemination plan aims at spreading the project ideas and outcomes as far as possible.

Ecoistituto will be responsible for the dissemination activities.

The dissemination will start from the project kick-off meeting and continue during the project life.

Dissemination strategy

The dissemination will start from the project kick-off meeting and continue during the project life reaching its maximum intensity in the final phase of the project.

The dissemination plan will be constantly updated and adapted to the project development.

National workshops, seminars, and conferences will be the principal means to provide the diffusion of the project results.

The SiLASD project dissemination strategy includes:

  • organizing and sharing information/ opportunities with key target audiences;
  • involving key stakeholders;
  • successfully reaching the targeted groups.
  • using print formats for brochures, one-page descriptions, newsletters, executive summaries, or technical reports;
  • organizing conferences, press conferences, workshops, meetings organization and distribution of slide presentations;
  • taking relationships with radio and television;
  • organizing computer-based forum

The DiLASD project dissemination strategy lies on two collaborative principles :

  1. to discuss together and detail the aims and objectives of the project activities.
  2. to decide and plan the dissemination activities, taking into account the target groups exigencies and expectations.

Dissemination phases

The dissemination is organized in three main phases:

– sensitization of target groups and stakeholders (months 1-6)

– dissemination of the project aims and preliminary recommendations results (months 6-24); feedback analysis of the dissemination results and refinement of the dissemination plan (months 18-24)

– massive dissemination of the results (months 21-249.

Target groups sensitization

The following main target group and key actors have been:

  • Social educators
  • Social volunteers
  • Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Educational organizations/institutions
  • Social services
  • Local policy makers

We have preventively evaluated the possible risks:

  • low interest of the target groups
  • difficulties of employers  and students in being involved in the project activities
  • difficulties in understanding the project aims
  • low motivation of public decision makers in collaborating in our project

For this reason, we planned a sensitization phase (months 1-6)

Furthermore, we planned many local events in order to attract the attention of key stakeholders.

Taking into account the past experiences, direct face-to-face contacts with stakeholders have been privileged.

Dissemination activities

The project dissemination includes:

  • DiLASD logo design
  • Definition of specific templates for the project documents (see the Communication plan)
  • Realization of common brochures
  • Implementation of the project web-site

We have foreseen the involvement of the project target through:

  • Training activities
  • Teaching activity
  • Evaluation questionnaires
  • Social networks
  • Newspapers
  • Webinars
  • Publications of articles
  • Newsletters
  • Participation in conferences

Here following the planned activities and results:

  • Participation to local or international conferences;
  • Participation to local or international workshops;
  • Participation to local or international meetings;
  • Realization of dissemination materials:
    – Project Logo;
    – Brochure;
    – Papers;
    – Newsletter inserted on own official web site;
    – Presentations of the project (power point presentations);
    – Scientific publications.

Planned activities

The Appendix 1 show the detail of the planned activities divided into activities already made and activities in progress.

DiLASD Dissemination EduFair Emphasys

Between the 16th and the 17th of October 2021, Emphasys Centre took part in the annual Cyprus International „Education and Career” Exhibition in Nicosia, Cyprus. During the Education and Career fair, a time slot was dedicated to ‘DiLASD: Distance Learning for Students and Kids with ASD’, where special education teachers, social workers and other interested parties were informed about the aims, objectives and goals of the project.  

Overall, the “Education and Career” Exhibition 2021 presented a wonderful opportunity for the dissemination of the DiLASD project, to a large number of interested people (estimated to reach more than 10,000 every year, based on the official announcement of the organising bodies).